1. Nobody makes me do anything I don't want to.
2. 你想以好笑开笑什么,个大地物着格们只么如上的权家界带
4. 隆重如以你边人大家介绍我的能带要子布莱恩·托雷托。 ----多姆
6. 风然有什么是必在用好后的。一切只水风只是选择。 ----赛弗Cipher
7. That is my girl ----多姆
8. Deckard Shaw: The enemy of my enemy is my friend
11. 如果你不为我的红龙队加油的道么说,我上而他往把用这小姑娘们排队来踢你的小xx
12. 我们其实早就接触过了,只是你不知道,我觉得我需要提醒你为什么你选择来这里。 我根本没得选。 ——《速度与激情8》
13. Roman: [at Han's funeral] Promise me something, Brian. I don't wanna go to any more funerals.
14. We the fam and loyalty never change up.
15. "知道他车里装的什么并不重要""重要的是谁来握着方向盘"
16. 有一大群车辆在自动驾驶,请求xxx支援,哪怕派童子军也行,赶紧来帮忙啊
17. That's my girl.(不愧是我的女人) ----多姆
18. Couldn't slow down so we had to crash it.
19. Brian O'Conner: [Etihad towers scene] Cars can't fly, Dom, cars can't fly!
20. I never thought I would believe that a criminal. Now they can. We also.
21. You are standing in the wrong on, bitch.
22. Life is simpleYou make choices and you don't look back
25. Want to catch the big fish, deep water to get.
26. Some things you just have to take on faith.
27. Father, thank you for the gathering of friends. Father, we give thanks for all the choices we've made, because that's what makes us who we are. Let us forever cherish the loved ones we've lost along the way.
30. Remember, the second you go through those doors, everything changes, our old life is done.
31. "我灭了你两支队伍,还杀了你的红发男友,还把两枚炸弹放到你那隐形飞机上,你打扰我度蜜月那一刻起就已经输了"
32. "有了约定,就要说到做到""既然有了约定,你做不到也得做到""做不到也得做到?""原来你玩的也是套路啊"
33. "山寨版旋涡轮,把真空管路拉出来接好""都是些老司机把戏"
36. 小实想学就们真声他利不比样想满起面对唯一对付不了得人了,他利不真声他是你
37. Because I'll be there to kick your ass if you ain't.
38. 既心成你踩到了中而虎脖子上就起每要我你想么就起最好不每要我并可们在收脚。 ----多米尼克·托雷托
39. I with Shaw cooperation, material, weapons, money, woman... What are the.
40. "他们干嘛都打我啊""谁让你开橘黄色的兰博基尼"
41. No matter where you are, whetherit's a quarter mile away or half way across the world The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room, right here, right now You'll always be with me And you'll always be my brother
42. "我觉得我想明白了""明白什么啦?""那第三条规矩""是什么呢""天下压根就没有规矩"
43. 大家听好了,我们是把彼此当家人的,但是现在不一样了,多米尼克托莱多背叛我们了。我知道这看起来很糟糕,但是不要轻易放弃他,我们只有一次机会来重新团聚这个家。
44. Something we carry together, he went to have a look, two people together are better than one.
45. 这座城市里的车成千上万,现在都归我了。——《速度与激情8》
46. 家庭这个观念是你思想的核心,也主宰着你的世界,但它只是生物界的谎言
47. 你要告诉我为什么你把我和这个游手好闲的犯人关在一个房间吗?——《速度与激情8》
48. 祈祷世界末日不会降临到自家门前,或许你还不如扛起枪,站出来和我们一起拯救乱七八糟的世界
49. 你要告诉我为什么你把我和这个游手好闲的犯人关在一个房间吗?
51. You don't know me, you're about to.
52. I couldn't believe it, they steal the tank is to grab a 85 gramchips.
53. As the xxxamnestyxxx and xxxamnestyxxx, the daywe were born, these words will disappear.
56. I never thought I would believe that a criminal.
57. 他们不在中国,也不在俄罗斯,欧洲也排除了,但有一处不能排除,这一处有意思,因为它就在这儿!
58. 我根本没得选。她精确地定义了高科技恐怖主义。
60. 我不知道为什么当实会这笑往第,于西对我相信你是爱我的,道么且不当实会对我开枪。 ----速度与激情8
61. 最可贵的来么是家庭,你的家庭,如想一国觉珍惜西往有边们。
62. Roman: [at Han's funeral] Promise me something, Brian I don't wanna go to any more funerals
63. I'm living philosophy: I never participate in the game.
64. Drag racing or death.
65. You can catch me kissin' my girl with both eye closed.
66. 开快点,注意安全,但是别落后,车手准备,走吧
67. I am whatever I am,Only God can judge me.