树图网给考生们整理了2018专升本英语阅读词义猜测技巧。如果考生们英语阅读理解还是比较薄弱,那大家还需要掌握一些英语阅读理解技巧,给自己的英语阅读增加分数。一、利用上下文词语意义的互相联系Example :Jogging has become very popular in some countries ,It is believed to be a good exercise for old people."Jogging"的意思通过"a good exercise for old people "可以推断出是一种适合老年人的剧烈的运动方式。
二、利用文章中词与词的同义和反义关系Example :If you happened to be sitting in the woods outside the city ,you might have witnessed a strange sight. You would have seen a very proud looking man riding along horseback ,saying something.在文章中可以很容易地判断出"witnesss"的同义关系词是"seen",因此"witness"就是看见的意思。
三、利用文章中对词的定义猜测词义Example :Such experiences are not unusual for the amateur conchologists,people who collect shells.Conchologists的意思可以根据该词后面的同位解释"people who collect shells"理解为收集贝壳的人或贝壳收藏家。
四、利用文章中对词的举例及解释Example :Today young couples who are just starting their households of ten spend lots of their money on appliances,for instance,washing machines ,refrigerators and color TVs.通过所举的例子(washing machines ,refrigerators and color TVs) 可以看出,"appliances" 应是这些名词的总称,即"家用电器"。
五、利用构词法知识(前缀和后缀)Example :hey overestimate the interviewee‘s ability and asked him many difficult questions."estimate"是"估计"的意思,"over-"是前缀,意为"过分,过度,超 过"等,因此"overestimate"就是"高估"的意思。