Bad news travels fast. (好事不出门),恶事传千里。
Bad news travels fast.恶事传千里。
Barking dogs seldom bite.吠叫的狗不咬人。
Be just before you are generous. 【谚】先要正直,才能大方。
Beauty -- and all the values that derive from beauty -- are not measured and evaluated in terms of the dollar.
Beauty catches the eye. 秀色可餐。
Beauty is but [only] skin deep. 【谚】美色只是一层皮(指不可以貌取人)。
Beauty is in the eye of beholder. 情人眼裏出西施[各人审美观点不同]。
Beauty is not a positive thing. 美丽并非绝对的。
Beauty is only skin-deep. 人不可貌相[美貌不过是外表的]。
Beggars must not be choosers. 饥者不得择食。
Best is cheapest.【谚】优质商品最合算。(指优质商品虽贵,却经久耐用)
Better (to) be alone than in bad [ill] company.【谚】与其交坏友,不如一人独处。
Better an open enemy than a false friend. 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。
Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. 宁为狗头不为狮尾。