coronavirus 冠状病毒,这样称呼的原因是这种病毒在显微镜下呈冠状,像一顶王冠。而 "王冠"一词在拉丁语中是corona 。按西方学术概念名称使用拉丁语(或古希腊语)的习惯,人们将corona与virus 放在一起构成合成词coronavirus,即"冠状病毒"。(virus 一词也来自拉丁语)
(CNN) — Ateam of scientists in Texas, New York and China are at work on a vaccineagainst the new virus that has infected lots of people worldwide. The NationalInstitutes of Health (NIH) is also working on a vaccine. It will take a fewmonths until the first phase of the clinical trials get underway.
This newvirus is a coronavirus, which is the same family as the virus that causes SARS,or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, which was first reported in Asia in 2002and killed more than 700 people. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS,which has killed more than 800 people since 2012, is also caused by a coronavirus.
"Thelesson we’ve learned is coronavirus infections are serious and one of thenewest and biggest global health threats," said Dr. Peter Hotez, a vaccinescientist in Houston. He added that it’s less challenging to develop a vaccinefor coronaviruses than for other viruses such as HIV or influenza. If a vaccineis developed, he said, health care workers might be among the first to receiveit because they are exposed to infected patients.
It is"remarkable" that scientists are able to start developing a vaccine for a virusthat was identified less than a month ago, he said. He credited Chineseresearchers, who quickly sequenced (确定…的化学结构序列) and published the virus’s genome(基因组)."With SARS, it took almost a year to be able to identify and map the fullgenetic code," he said. "Now we’re doing this in just a few weeks."